PhD Supervision
Current PhD candidates:
Completed PhD projects:
- Simona Adinolfi (second supervision; cotutelle with Ghent University, Belgium): "Migration in Contemporary Anglophone Literature: A Narratological Perspective"*
- Julian Hanebeck: "Understanding Metalepsis" (March 2016)
Published as: Understanding Metalepsis: The Hermeneutics of Narrative Transgression. (= Narratologia: Contributions to Narrative Theory 56). Berlin / Boston, MA: de Gruyter, 2017. - Link ↵
- Review in DIEGESIS 6.2 (2017) by Alexandra Effe
- Review in Poetics Today 40.1 (2019) by Eyal Segal
- Remus Racolta: "Alienation and Hybridity: Patterns of Estrangement in the British Novel since the 1950s" (June 2018)
Published as an electronic dissertation at the Wuppertal University Library - Link ↵
- Carolin Gebauer: "Making Time: World Construction in the Present-Tense Novel" (February 2020)
Published as: Making Time: World Construction in the Present-Tense Novel. (= Narratologia: Contributions to Narrative Theory 77). Berlin / Boston, MA: de Gruyter, 2021- Link ↵
Winner of the ESSE Book Award for Junior Scholars for a book in the field of Literatures in the English Language 2022
- Review in Anglia 140.3-4 (2022) by Alexander Scherr
- Mariam Muwanga: "Modelling the African Diaspora: Narrative Representations of Diasporic Blackness in Black British Fiction"
If you're interested in working on a PhD dissertation with a narratological, intercultural or cognitive approach, please don't hesitate to get in touch. All applicants will be asked to submit a preliminary proposal containing a short CV, working title of the dissertation and a short outline (3,000 words) of the research project, including its main thesis, goals, theoretical framework and methodology.
* working title